News from the Desk: Fall 2023

By October 18, 2023 No Comments

The days are getting shorter, the leaves are turning vibrant colors; it must be fall! Way back when it was still summer, September 8th, we celebrated our firm’s 24th anniversary. We owe our longevity to our clients who have trusted us with your estate and business needs through the years. Thank you!

As a tennis aficionado, I was thrilled to attend the Laver Cup in Vancouver B.C. last month. The Laver Cup pits six of the best men’s tennis players from Europe against six of the best from the rest of the world – and Team World, led by Captain John McEnroe, won!

Looking ahead, I will once again be moderating the WSBA’s Best of CLE program on December 19th & 20th. Stay tuned for our Winter Newsletter to find out more!

As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our firm and the work we do, please contact us or visit our website.  

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Is Your Community Property Agreement Consistent With Your Will?

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Three Reasons to Consider Using a Professional Fiduciary

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(206) 784-5305