The cooler (and wetter) weather and autumn colors are in full swing. We hope you are gearing up for a fun and peaceful holiday season with friends and family!
As I mentioned last month, our whole team, including spouses, attended this year’s TOPspin Auction on October 24. The annual Auction benefits Tennis Outreach Programs (TOPs), a non-profit organization whose mission is to “empower youth for lifetime success through tennis, education, fitness and character development regardless of economic circumstance.” As a TOPs Board member, I was pleased to
have our whole team there. We all enjoyed the opportunity to gather together, bid on some great auction items, and support a fabulous cause that benefits the lives of so many local children.
I was very excited to see that my July 2015 post for the LexisNexis Business of Law blog, entitled “Five Reasons Virtual Law Firms Needs to Invest in Case Management,” made it into their Great Legal Links: The Top 10 of 66 Business of Law Blog Posts. I’m a fan of our virtual set up, and the investment we’ve made in case management software increases our efficiency in ensuring our client’s needs are met. I’m glad that other lawyers agree, and this post was a popular one!
Sherry published an article in the King County Bar Association’s Bar Bulletin last month, discussing issues that can arise when a probate involves contaminated real property. The article discusses options – and protections – for personal representatives administering estates involving contaminated property. Sherry also volunteered at the Washington First Responder Wills Clinic on October 10, drafting estate planning documents for our local police officers and firefighters and their families. She has proudly been doing pro bono work for this organization for the past few years.
As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our law firm and the work we do, please contact me or visit our website.
Recent Updates from Our Blog
Do You Need a Mental Health Advance Directive? Part 1: What is a Mental Health Advance Directive?
In part one of her three-part series on Mental Health Directives, Stacey introduces the concept of a Mental Health Directive, which tends to be the most overlooked estate planning document.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Revocable Living Trusts – Part 1: The Good
What is a Revocable Living Trust, and why might you need one? In the first of a three-part series, Sherry outlines The Good: explaining the basics of Revocable Living Trusts and how a trust could potentially benefit you.
Do You Need a Mental Health Advance Directive? Part 2: What Types of Choices does a Mental Health Advance Directive Allow You to Make?
In part two of her series, Stacey delves into the options offered in a Mental Health Directive, and explains why this complex estate planning document should be drafted in collaboration with both an attorney and a mental health professional.