
News from the Desk: Fall 2024

By October 21, 2024 No Comments

Here we are at fall! Days are getting shorter. Nights are getting colder. While the rest of our team is busy as ever, our Office Morale Leader, Roger (left), is snuggling in and literally sleeping on the job.

Another furry “assistant,” Guts (feline family member of Client Manager/Billing Manager Suzanne Stephens) (right), has taken on the arduous task of repurposing office supplies.

For those of you in King County who have been wondering when the county would finally allow electronic Will filings, that day arrived in May. Here is what you need to know about this leap into the 21st century. We’ve had some momentous moments over the past few months. In August, I was honored to once again receive the “Super Lawyer” designation. And on September 8th, our firm celebrated our 25th anniversary!

As this is our last newsletter of the year, I want to give you the head’s up that, in January, I’ll be embarking on my third mini-sabbatical (out of the office from 1/6 through 2/7) as I enjoy Hawaii, Fiji, Brisbane, and, of course, a few days watching the Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne. Rest assured, our team state-side is here to help with any of your estate or business needs.

Enjoy the next few months and we’ll be back with you in the spring. As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our firm and the work we do, please contact us or visit our website.  

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