We hope all of you are well, and that you have been able to get outside to enjoy our lovely Seattle weather while maintaining safe social distancing. Our team has been walking, running, riding, and hiking to stay mentally and physically healthy, as you can see below.
In an effort to move forward, in addition to providing valuable resources for local businesses, our Seattle office of the U.S. Small Business Administration is starting to plan Biz Fair 2020. It will be held on September 26 and, as of now, will be an in-person event rather than a virtual one. I was invited to speak on business law. I’m thrilled at the notion of seeing actual human faces in front of me – real people who are asking questions and making comments! I hope all of you who are currently running a small business, or are considering starting one, will attend Biz Fair, which is a free event with an abundance of informative resources.
Also, our new website features new video content! Please check out our home page, which has a new video of me discussing our virtual law firm, the Australian Open and, of course, Roger. https://staceyromberg.com/
As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our firm and the work we do, please contact us.
Recent Updates from Our Blog
Can a Deceased Person Keep a Coronavirus Relief Payment?

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. Many people have or will be receiving checks to help cover expenses, but one group of Americans who does not need help with expenses – the deceased – seem to be receiving them too. What should you do if your deceased relative receives a check? Read more from Stacey to find out.
New Options for Memorial Instructions

Effective May 1 of this year, human composting became a legal option for disposition of human remains in Washington state. As Sherry explains, this means Washingtonians now have four options: burial, cremation, alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation), and natural organic reduction (composting). Do you have questions about how to address this in your Memorial Instructions? We’re happy to help!
Is it Too Late to Ask About My Grandmother’s Trust?

On day 100 of sheltering at home, you decide to look through those old boxes collecting dust in your basement, and surprise! You discover some long forgotten documents indicating that the Will of your grandmother, who passed away in 1998, named you as an heir! Before you start planning what to do with the money, Stacey explains why a statute of limitations may apply to the aging documents you may find in your cleaning.