Happy June! We’re just over a week away from the start of summer!
The second installment of my GP Solo eReport series, entitled From Athlete to Advocate: Lessons Learned Through Sports Propel Lawyers to Compete as Champions, was published last month. In this installment, I delve into how being involved in athletics can impact an attorney’s career decisions including the initial decision to become an attorney, and later, the choice of an area of practice and whether to start a solo or small-firm legal practice. Please take a look and let me know what you think!
May was a busy month at our firm! First, Sherry and I attended the May 16 dinner of the Estate Planning Council of Seattle, where we are both members. We enjoyed interacting with colleagues and listening to a presentation concerning Bitcoin.
Then, on May 22, Sherry and I presented a continuing legal education (CLE) course on probate for the Seattle Select Attorneys Association. Our presentation focused on the mechanics of probate and estate administration, using as an example the fictional couple of Antonio and Bettina who tragically died when their slow cooker exploded. We walked the attorneys through the administration of Antonio’s and Bettina’s estates. We thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity, and appreciated being invited to speak!
Finally, on May 23, I presented another CLE course for the King County Bar Association entitled “Ethical Considerations Involved in Practicing in a Virtual Law Firm.” As the owner of one of the first law firms in Seattle to go virtual, I’m always pleased to speak on this interesting and challenging topic.
As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our firm and the work we do, please contact us or visit our website.
Recent Updates from Our Blog
In this important post, Sherry explains how new legal documents may assist you in planning for a possible future living with dementia.
The Nitty-Gritty of a Business Purchase and Sale: Due Diligence, Part III
In part three of her series on doing your due diligence when buying or selling a business, Stacey shares examples of the types of financial information that the purchaser requests from the seller in the due diligence process.
The Nitty-Gritty of a Business Purchase and Sale: Due Diligence, Part IV
Part four of Stacey’s series on due diligence focuses on customers. What types of customer-related questions and documentation do purchasers of a business generally request from sellers?
Photo credits: Charles O’Rear, 401(K) 2012 on Flickr, Andres Rodriguez on Flickr and Stacey Romberg