Happy June!
I hope you are all enjoying the great weather and gearing up for a fun summer!
On May 27, I was pleased to present again on Business Law Essentials for the Seattle office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. I always enjoy meeting local entrepreneurs, sharing information and answering questions related to business law.
This month I participated on a panel with Brady Peterson of the law firm Lukins & Annis, P.S. and Jeanne Marie Clavere, Professional Responsibility Counsel for the Washington State Bar Association. We had fun role playing various scenarios in which attorneys can encounter tricky ethical issues in estate planning and probate, including potential conflicts of interest and challenges in representing fiduciaries such as trustees and executors. I also had a great time visiting with my fellow attorneys, including Of Counsel attorney Sherry Lueders.
In May, I published another article in the American Bar Association’s GP Solo eReport, this time discussing the recent ethical opinions governing online attorney rating systems such as Avvo and Super Lawyers. The public is often confused about these rating systems, wondering if the attorney ranked a “7” is truly better than the lawyer ranked a “6.” And, for attorneys, our ethical Rules of Professional Conduct govern whether we should participate in these rating schemes. My article discusses a recent Utah Bar ethical advisory opinion. Should attorneys participate in these ratings systems if the basis for the rating is not transparent?
As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our firm and the work we do, please visit our website at www.staceyromberg.com.
The Limitless Possibilities of a Limited Liability Company
In this post, Stacey discusses this popular business entity and why it might (or might not) be the right fit for your business.
Why an Original Will Matters – Lessons from Napoleon
In this interesting post, Sherry discusses why the original will is the one that counts. Sherry shares her insights through the lens of Napoleon I, a fascinating historical figure.
Be Proud of Your Sole Proprietorship
Don’t downplay the importance of being a sole proprietor! In this post, Stacey discusses the decision points to consider when thinking about being a sole proprietor, far and away the most common type of business structure.
In Memoriam: Memorial Instructions Let Loved Ones Know Your Wishes
Many of us have probably thought about what we want to happen to our bodies after we die. But unless we share those thoughts with our loved ones, those thoughts may stay just that-wishes, rather than reality.
Photo credits: Jo Naylor on Flickr, Frederic Bisson on Flickr