Happy June!
We hope this month is treating you well, and you are looking forward to a summer filled with sun, fun and good memories!
On top of all the fantastic work she does for our firm, Sherry was busy with speaking engagements this month! On June 8, Sherry participated in a panel discussion at a Women and Money event in downtown Seattle presented by Seattle’s Network of Women (SNOW). The panel brought together financial experts and professionals to explore issues surrounding money and finances. Sherry focused her remarks on estate planning and business succession issues. I also attended the event, and had a great time! On June 19, Sherry spoke at one of our state’s largest estate planning conferences, the Washington State Bar Association’s Real Property, Probate and Trust Section’s Midyear Conference. The Section is a professional organization that supports and serves members of the legal community who practice in the areas of Real Property, Probate and Trust. Sherry serves as the Section’s Web Editor, and presented on how the information and resources available on the Section’s website can assist Section members in their law practices.
The American Bar Association’s GPSolo eReport recently published my third article in the series “The Quirky Lawyer: Understanding the Genius of Personality Type.” In this article, I discuss my own Myers-Briggs personality type – INTJ (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judging). Although INTJs only comprise about 1% of the general population, our firm sports two INTJ lawyers since Sherry is also an INTJ! I believe that developing a solid understanding of your personality type provides tremendous benefits in both your professional and personal life. Please read the article and let me know what you think!
As always, I would love to hear your questions and comments. If you have any questions about our law firm and the work we do, please contact me or visit our website.
Recent Updates from Our Blog
No Will? Part V: What Happens to Your Spouse?
When you die without a Will in place, your spouse still gets everything, right? Not so fast—things can get very complicated without a Will to guide your wishes. Read Stacey’s fifth blog post in the series to learn more.
No Will? Part VI: How Does Community Property Come into Play?
Although it seems like community property would be simple, it is in fact quite complex, as Stacey notes in her sixth blog post in the series. Read more to find out why a solid Will and other estate planning documents are critical in ensuring your wishes are met (and in helping you prevent World War III among your heirs!) after you pass.
No Will? Part VII: What if I’m “Shacking Up?”
Proving that you and your partner are in a “Committed Intimate Relationship” can be much harder (and more costly) than you might think. In her seventh blog post in the series, Stacey explains how dying without a Will can create a myriad of issues for your partner if you are unmarried or in a non-registered domestic partnership.
Photo credits: Stacey Romberg, Tom Hall, Jayson, and Richard BH on Flickr